Why Vue composition API is awesome

Hi👋🏽, so I have been coding a lot in Vue lately and I have been using Vue composition API more often. here are the few things that stood out to me.


Vue Option and Composition API are two different approaches for setting up components in the Vue.js library. The Options API is the traditional way of setting up components and allows developers to define their components using a set of options like data, methods, props, computed, and more. The Composition API is a more recent approach and allows developers to define their components as a set of functions, allowing for more flexibility and better maintainability. if you’ve used React functional components, you should be familiar with this approach

Why Composition API?

  1. Complexity and verbosity in code with the due options API: With the due options API, code can become complex and lengthy, making it harder to maintain and debug.

  2. Lack of Reusability: With the due options API, it's difficult to reuse logic and create composable components.

  3. Composition API to the rescue: The Composition API solves these problems by providing a flexible and composable way to build components, making code easier to write, read, and maintain.

  4. Improved Reusability and Type Checking: With the Composition API, it's easier to reuse logic, create composable components, and benefit from improved type checking, making it easier to catch errors before runtime.

  5. Composables over Utility Functions: This is a more expressive way to build components, making it easier to write, read, and understand code leading to better maintainability and scalability in large projects.

It’s not perfect - it’s getting there

  1. Steep Learning Curve: The Composition API is a relatively new feature and can have a steep learning curve for some developers, especially those unfamiliar with functional programming.

  2. Limited Browser Support: Currently, the Composition API has limited browser support and may not be suitable for older browsers or legacy projects.

  3. Performance Considerations: The Composition API may have performance implications in certain situations and requires careful consideration when choosing the appropriate API for a given project.

  4. Community Efforts: Despite these challenges, the community is actively working to make the Composition API better. Developers are constantly finding new and innovative ways to use the API and contributing to its development.

With the community's efforts and the Vue team's backing, it's clear that Composition API has a bright future. As it continues to evolve and mature, it will become an even more powerful tool for building Vue applications.


The Options API was the traditional way of building components in Vue.js, but this usually can result in complex and verbose code. The Composition API, on the other hand, provides a flexible and composable way to build components, making code easier to write, read, and maintain, but has a steep learning curve and limited browser support.

Thanks for reading 👋🏽